What Is Tokenization
NFT - Galleria
20 Sep 2021
Since Audacia Group tokenizes its shares the CTO of the company gives us simple definitions in order to understand the process of tokenization Stay tuned for more and have a look at the related blog post a https 3A 2F 2Fwww audacia co 2Fblog 2Fwhat-is-tokenization 2F a Audacia Group num risant l'int gralit de ses parts le CTO de l'entreprise nous expose de simples d finitions afin de mieux comprendre le processus de tok nisation Restez connect s pour la suite et n'h sitez pas consulter l'article de blog sujet a https 3A 2F 2Fwww audacia co 2Ffr 2Fblog 2Fquest-ce-que-la-tokenisation 2F a tokenization technology tokenisation
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