Tokenization of Assets from Race Horses to Whiskey
The Security Token Academy presents an expert interview with Benjamin Tsai president and managing partner of Wave Financial The company offers early-stage investment asset management and treasury management to further the growth of the digital asset ecosystem In this interview with Adam Chapnick Security Token Academy s director of programming you ll learn about tokenization and the tokenization process You ll learn about -Why Wave Financial was created -Asset management products -Derivative trading -Process of tokenization -Whiskey barrel fractionalization Subscribe to the Security Token Edge Newsletter a https 3A 2F 2Fwww securitytokenacademy com 2F a info security-token-edge-landing-page-2082 utm source STA-YouTube utm medium OrganicVideoPost utm audience utm campaign utm content STEdge For more videos and interviews a https 3A 2F 2Fwww securitytokenacademy com 2F a info security-token-edge-landing-page-2082 utm source STA-Website utm medium website utm audience utm campaign utm content STEdge For more information visit a https 3A 2F 2Fwww securitytokenacademy com 2F a
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