Non-Fungible Tokens Explained NFT's and Digital Collectibles

NFT - Galleria
NFT - Galleria
19 Sep 2021

In this episode we explain what non-fungible tokens NFT's and how they are relevant to the world of Esports and Art Tokenizing assets can make that holographic Charizard Pokemon card or World of Warcraft chromatic sword always have value We made Cryptonauts NFT's specially for this episode 3 lucky winners will get NFT's from us that we made on the Enjin Platform Comment below with your Enjin wallet address should start with 0x to enter Enjin Website Enjin io BitAIrt Website Bitairt io Sources to learn more about Enjin Boxmining a https 3A 2F 2Fboxmining com 2Fenjin 2F a Altcoin Buzz a https 3A 2F 2Fwww altcoinbuzz io 2Ftag 2Fenjin 2F a Example Footage - World of Warcraft Mining Video https www youtube com watch v d8nLzbQqaCE t 170s ab channel GordanRamseyGaming - Digital Art Creation Video https www youtube com watch v 2wA80srClis t 852s ab channel DigitalArtCreation Email us contact cryptonauts space Tweet to us a https 3A 2F 2Ftwitter com 2F 40cryptonautsshow a Subscribe to our Youtube a https 3A 2F 2Fwww youtube com 2Fcryptonauts a Instagram captain crypto capt crypto NFT Enjin Cryptokitties

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