INFINITE by SUKU Issuing NFTs with Hedera Token Service to save 99 98 on Ethereum fees
NFT - Galleria
19 Sep 2021
Join the INFINITE by SUKU CTO Lucas Henning and CEO Yonathan Yapchik to learn how INFINITE has created scalable cost-effective and verifiable product ownership by issuing non-fungible tokens using Hedera Token Service HTS By migrating from Ethereum to HTS INFINITE saves over 99 98 on smart contract token issuance fees while ensuring real-time finality on all transactions Developer resources Chat a https 3A 2F 2Fhedera com 2Fdiscord a Docs a https 3A 2F 2Fdocs hedera com 2Fguides a GitHub a https 3A 2F 2Fgithub com 2Fhashgraph a Testnet Access a https 3A 2F 2Fportal hedera com a
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