Epic s Plans for the Metaverse Explained

NFT - Galleria
NFT - Galleria
19 Sep 2021

Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring our channel a http 3A 2F 2Fexpressvpn com 2Finside a Epic Games and Apple are still in the middle of their court battle over digital marketplaces and antitrust laws but have you stopped to wonder why Epic would put so much on the line to try and beat one of the world's biggest tech companies in court Obviously it s an issue of potential revenue to be gained from a more open marketplace but if money was Epic s only concern then they sure went about this court case in a weird way intentionally getting banned from the App Store and sacrificing millions of Fortnite players in the process Today we are taking a step back to look at the slightly larger digital picture and explain the metaverse along the way We hope you enjoy this video and thanks for watching Buy our shirt a https 3A 2F 2Fis gd 2Fu3xCtA a OR follow us on Twitter a https 3A 2F 2Ftwitter com 2Fsnackary a a https 3A 2F 2Ftwitter com 2FDarthBurrit0 a a http 3A 2F 2Ftwitter com 2FInsideGaming a SOURCES Epic Games Epic is raising a billion dollars to fund the metaverse a https 3A 2F 2Fwww epicgames com 2Fsite 2Fen-US 2Fnews 2Fannouncing-a-1-billion-funding-round-to-support-epics-long-term-vision-for-the-metaverse a Sportskeeda Epic lost millions of players after Apple ban a https 3A 2F 2Fwww sportskeeda com 2Fesports 2Fnews-fortnite-lost-60-ios-players-apple-s-ban a BusinessWire Epic Games invest 15 million into Manticore a https 3A 2F 2Fwww businesswire com 2Fnews 2Fhome 2F20200922005811 2Fen 2FEpic-Games-Leads-15M-Investment-in-Manticore-Games 25C2 25AE a TechCrunch Manticore games raise 100 Million dollars for their creator metaverse a https 3A 2F 2Ftechcrunch com 2F2021 2F03 2F31 2Fmanticore-games-raises-100-million-to-build-a-creator-multiverse 2F a Hollywood Reporter Sony invests 200 million dollars into Epic s multiverse a https 3A 2F 2Fwww hollywoodreporter com 2Fnews 2Fsony-invests-200-million-more-in-epic-games-as-part-of-1-billion-funding-round a VentureBeat Dean Takahashi GamesBeat interview with Tim Sweeney a https 3A 2F 2Fventurebeat com 2F2021 2F01 2F27 2Ftim-sweeney-the-open-metaverse-requires-companies-to-have-enlightened-self-interest 2F a

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