CXC Ecoverse eps 20 What is Tokenization John Fields pt 1

NFT - Galleria
NFT - Galleria
20 Sep 2021

FinTech specialist John Fields begins our exploration of Tokenomics in this episode of CXC Ecoverse Tokenization may very well define the value of all the world's assets in the not too distant future John starts us off here with the basic fundamentals preparing us for a deeper dive in future episodes John Fields is Co-Founder of Grow Your Base a https 3A 2F 2Fwww growyourbase io 29 2C a the world s first tokenized platform to directly earn and purchase from innovative companies John is also Chief Strategy Officer for BlockVentures SAPI as well as part of the BlockVentures XBV MasterMind Team For more about BlockVentures visit us at a http 3A 2F 2Fxbv io a John Fields has over 20 years of experience in financial innovation with extensive experience in capital markets and strategy Mr Fields is the Co-Founder and the CEO of GrowYourBase io a platform that allows users to earn and acquire a digital asset portfolio Recently Mr Fields was the President of the Special Task Force for First Capital Real Estate Investment Trust responsible for strategy and partnerships Previously Mr Fields was the Managing Director of The Transfinity Group a company that specialized in implementing a creative and revolutionary funding strategy for commercial real estate sustainability upgrades He is recognized as an innovator who began his career on the Pacific Options Exchange where he executed and managed derivative trading strategies He further solidified his expertise with tenures at CSI Capital Management SunTrust Bank and Barclays Global Investors BlackRock He held positions at The White House OPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporation Deloitte Touch and the Indiana Governor s Fellowship for Senator Evan Bayh III and an IOOF Fellowship at the United Nations Mr Fields attended American University and Wabash College with honors XBV Studios presents CXC Ecoverse a series that is all about empowering ecosystems where individuals create value by thinking and working freely as a community BlockVentures exists to Tokenize the World We actively develop build and grow tokenized ecosystems where thinking individuals are empowered to work freely as a community to innovate and create tokenized value Together these ecosystems create an Ecoverse of living and working spaces where emerging technologies make the lives of all those participating better The Ecoverse and each BlockVentures enterprise is connected by the XBV token Visit us at a http 3A 2F 2Fxbv io a XBV Studios is one of our ecosystems that we are very excited about In the next three years as we build a state of the art studio near our home office in Guadalajara Mexico we will create produce and tokenize inspiring content for the world

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